Cologne - A garbage can, a Germany flag and a confession: "I am proud to be a German." And then the Cologne "mustache duo" - Ralph Kuhn and Peter Schulte leaves - the audience to sing the national anthem, to salute Jecke in dubious Pose . A presence that provides for rebellion and now for television (ZDF) is to be defused.
Seen in the ZDF-girl sitting in the Sartory and in the costume meeting Wednesday evening in Dünnwald. In Sartory still remembered the joke: "The muezzin of the mosque is planned Ehrenfeld tingle far beyond the borders Ehrenfeld. But the Cologne Ordnungamt moves immediately where a few German, "to sing at the bar" On the Cathedral of Koelle. "Has the mustache, the duo made after massive criticism from the program,
Is this the 'table at satire or slogans? Ralph Kuhn defended himself: "We defend ourselves a massive object to being put into the right corner. What is wrong with being proud of his country? For me all people are people. "On the performance at the Cologne Arena, he is especially pleased:" It's hot, when 12,000 sing the anthem. It's like the World Cup. "
Not thrilled with the new consciousness among the German ZDF television Honor Guard was meeting President Frank Remagen: "If we had known beforehand, which is a number that, they would not have been in the program. If it had not been a TV session, I would have canceled the number. We have examined whether the mustache duo again appears to us that is not the case. "Festival committee-writer Joachim Wüst was responsible for the program:" I will speak with ZDF that the part of the anthem is rausgeschnitten. "